Saturday, July 6, 2013

“Love, Lust and the longing for GOD.” by Justice Saint Rain REVIEW

“Love,  Lust and the longing for GOD.”
    By Justice Saint Rain 

                     ~My Review~
Love Lust and the Longing for God

Title of book   “Love,  Lust and the longing for GOD.”
Author  Justice Saint Rain
Paper back copy
Pages  284
Published Release May 6, 2013
Publisher  Special Ideas Inc.
ISBN13    9781888547542
Longing Trilogy Series  Book# 3
Genre  Spiritual Guide/Self Help-Happiness,  Relationships.
            Health & fitness –Mental Health,  Recovery, Codependency.

I received this great book from the author of course under no
 obligation to review or read it.

Complimentary book provided by author “Justice Saint Rain.”

“Thank you, for amazing book.”

In "The Secret of Emotions" Justice Saint Rain taught us how to 
understand the spiritual meaning behind our emotional sensations
 and gave us a whole new vocabulary for understanding the language 
of the heart. In "4 Tools of Emotional Healing" he used this language 
to explore the healing potential of Honesty, Forgiveness, 
Compassion and Faith and offered practical guidance as to how to
 apply them to our daily lives. In "Longing for Love" he turned his 
unique understanding of emotions to the question of how to find and
 nurture healthy relationships, while avoiding shame-based
 relationships and addictive or compulsive acting out. Now all three 
of these life-lessons are available in a single volume that will be 
equally useful for individuals trying to understand their life
 challenges and therapists trying to explain the subtleties of the
 healing process to their clients.

~My Review~
By Ana Rodriguez.

A person whom is struggling with emotional problems or not,  I 
highly recommend this book.  It’s very resourceful.  This spiritual 
guide is full of tools,  resources,  charts, and steps to self-help

A person needing emotional healing. This book edition includes 
all three books in the Longing Trilogy. What a bonus I thought. 
If your dealing with daily emotional struggles, insecurities, negative
 effects from torn emotions,  effecting your relationship  or 
impacting your life.
 This book explains step by step on how to deal with it and how to fix it.  Details about emotional  behaviors,  also talks about many experiences in very day life dilemmas and how to work through them in a successful manner following certain steps.

Self detail on many emotions you might be going through and how to deal with them. Weather we deny them  or deal with them.

Different types and situations and valid explanations.

I enjoyed reading about “The stages of anger.”

Feel the anger and recognize the source so you can choose an appropriate way to respond to it.

Reading this book thought me healing tools that are very well explained with examples of the 
consequences of them.

Helping you acknowledge what specific emotion your being over whelmed with to take an positive 
action to heal.

I loved the self explanatory charts.

The resources in this book are very educational and work.

How do I know?

In one time or another in my life I’ve gone through them and didn’t deal with them in a proper way 
that made it worse.

Slowly with time I responded with the steps that resulted in conflict, depression, emotions I didn’t
 know how to deal with anxiety that just made every thing ten times worse for me. How I wish I had
 this book back then.

I recommend this book to every one, this book will come in handy 
when you least expect it to.   
“Thank you,  Justice Saint Rain. For caring and writing this book.

Justice Saint Rain

My goal as a writer is not to say what I have to say in the best way 
possible, but to say what my readers need to hear when they are 
alone and confused and feel that no one in the world could possibly 
understand what they are going through. I write to comfort, to
 enlighten, and to inspire. I believe three things: That the purpose 
of life is to develop our virtues.  That virtues are the signs of God.


~Review also posted on~


~ Buy Book~

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